A continual and relentless bombardment of Spam messages hit my email every day. The content of which is sometimes desperation and at others absurd. My sheer bemusement at the audacity of some people to think that i am so stupid to believe their claims and hand over my personal details got me thinking that I wanted to create a work which would capture both the desperation, the banality and the etymology of the physical object spam ( canned meat ) contained within the the relentless Viral information ( emails ).
and for those of you that always wanted to know where the term came from here you go... an excerpt from wikipedia... According to the Internet Society and other sources, the term spam is derived from the 1970 Spam sketch of the BBC television comedy series Monty Python's Flying Circus.[13] The sketch is set in a cafe where nearly every item on the menu includes Spam canned luncheon meat. As the waiter recites the Spam-filled menu, a chorus of Viking patrons drowns out all conversations with a song repeating "Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam... lovely Spam! wonderful Spam!", hence "Spamming" the dialogue.[14] The excessive amount of Spam mentioned in the sketch is a reference to the preponderance of imported canned meat products in the United Kingdom, particularly a brand of tinned ham (Shoulder Pork hAM = SPAM) from the USA, in the years after World War II, as the country struggled to rebuild its agricultural base. Spam captured a large slice of the British market within lower economic classes and became a byword among British children of the 1960s for low-grade fodder due to its commonality, monotonous taste and cheap price — hence the humour of the Python sketch.

A continual and relentless bombardment of Spam messages hit my email every day. The content of which is sometimes desperation and at others absurd. My sheer bemusement at the audacity of some people to think that i am so stupid to believe their claims and hand over my personal details got me thinking that I wanted to create a work which would capture both the desperation, the banality and the etymology of the physical object spam ( canned meat ) contained within the the relentless Viral information ( emails ).
and for those of you that always wanted to know where the term came from here you go... an excerpt from wikipedia... According to the Internet Society and other sources, the term spam is derived from the 1970 Spam sketch of the BBC television comedy series Monty Python's Flying Circus.[13] The sketch is set in a cafe where nearly every item on the menu includes Spam canned luncheon meat. As the waiter recites the Spam-filled menu, a chorus of Viking patrons drowns out all conversations with a song repeating "Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam... lovely Spam! wonderful Spam!", hence "Spamming" the dialogue.[14] The excessive amount of Spam mentioned in the sketch is a reference to the preponderance of imported canned meat products in the United Kingdom, particularly a brand of tinned ham (Shoulder Pork hAM = SPAM) from the USA, in the years after World War II, as the country struggled to rebuild its agricultural base. Spam captured a large slice of the British market within lower economic classes and became a byword among British children of the 1960s for low-grade fodder due to its commonality, monotonous taste and cheap price — hence the humour of the Python sketch.